About Us
Creating harmonious communities through music by socializing diverse music genres and inspiring positive social change of inclusion.
In a globally connected world, music transcends all boundaries. Our vision is to support undiscovered artists by creating a platform for them to showcase their passion and talent for Bharatiya Shastriya (Indian Classical) Sangeet (Music).

Our story
Hasmukh Swar was founded during COVID-19 as a platform to support artists by creating avenues to demonstrate their talent and passion for Indian Classical Music. The organization created online events to allow musicians to continue their livelihood, grow their passion for the arts, and showcase their talents to the community.
The pandemic, while disruptive, merely accelerated the realization of a vision deeply cherished by the founders. The establishment of Hasmukh Swar was not a spontaneous response to the times but the fruition of a longstanding dream to celebrate and elevate this timeless musical genre.